1. We will help you as much as possible to work with virtual assistants / programmers / tutors directly!

  2. We will provide you guidance on how to make things work with the VAs to meet your needs, improve efficiency and effectiveness, and to have a seamless transition of tasks and functions as seamless as possible.

  3. We believe in autonomy so that as an organization, family, or individual; you are able to maintain the culture and relationships that you want to establish with the VAs that you will hire.

  4. Please read below for further advantages in working with a VA!


Here are the Advantages and Benefits of working with TVSS:

1.       USE YOUR TIME WISELY – It is easy to delegate work and personal tasks and functions to your VAs to free up your valuable time. If you have an organization that needs to be staffed properly without breaking the bank, this could free up your employees’ time so they can dedicate their time further on what they need to do and complete to grow your business. The old adage of time is money wherein your VA will definitely give you the time that you need without spending so much money!


Protect your time (money) and energy by hiring your dedicated VAs now!


2.       GROW YOUR ORGANIZATION – Imagine how you can have two to three VAs to do an individual’s work, would you not grow your productivity and business overall further? Imagine how you can staff 16-24 hours vs eight hours of work time for almost the same price, would you not be able to complete more tasks and functions without overburdening your other in-house staff members?


For example, think how you can hire your social media marketer, do bookkeeping for you, and other front or back office that you can delegate especially if you do not want to do them so you can concentrate on what is important to you!


Remember, TVSS is here to help your organization and support your current employees and NOT replace your current staff members.


3.       SAVE OFFICE SPACE – How much are you paying per square foot if you rent space for your organization? Can you imagine using that space for generating more business or providing better service? Hiring VAs will help you alleviate of being productive without taking valuable space!


Remember, TVSS is here to help your organization and support your current employees and NOT replace your current staff members.


4.       REDUCE OTHER EXPENSES – Granted that your VAs (if outsourced from the original country of employment) are independent contractors, there are generally no federal and state taxes, medical insurance, work compensation insurance, vacation and paid holidays, and other expenses that may incur in hiring an employee. Use these expenses for your other business and organization’s needs or simply increase your business’ profit further instead! However, you need to consult with your lawyer, accountant, and local state laws to verify what you need to cover for independent contractors.


Remember, TVSS is here to help your organization and support your current employees and NOT replace your current staff members.


5.       USE TVSS AS YOUR HUMAN RESOURCES ARM – How much money, energy, and time do you spend in finding the right staff member? How much time do you have to pay for these recruiting agencies? How much time do you spend to review plenty of resumes? How much energy and logistics do you need to spend in interviewing all of these applicants? Why don’t you work with TVSS to at least do the preliminary screening for you instead?


Remember, you can be as engaged as you want to be in the whole hiring process or we can just give you top three to five finalists or you choose who is best for you or we can specifically hire the VAs that you need.

6. USE TVSS AS YOUR MARKETING ARM – Lead generation; grow your social media presence; design, update, and optimize SEO of your website; and other marketing duties that will constantly work for you to promote what you do!


7.       BE GREEN – Staff members that do not need to drive to your physical location. Parking space will be available for your customers and everybody else important to you. Think about the carbon footprint you will reduce by hiring VAs. Be part of the movement in reducing carbon emissions by having VA team members!


Remember, TVSS is here to help your organization and support your current employees and NOT replace your current staff members.


8.       BE AT THE COMFORT OF YOUR HOME – When you hire tutors, sometimes you go to these after school programs and tutoring locations. Why not save the travel time and not become rather “idle” as you wait for children’s sessions to end? So either you relax at home or take care of other kids or prepare dinner while your loved ones get tutoring classes!


9.       HIRE YOUR OWN FUTURE VAS – TVSS do not have long term contracts. We will even help you learn how to find your VAs in the future and hire and train them directly. However, if you want to continue to delegate those HR needs to TVSS, we would love to continue to work with you directly!


There is no perfect system or process, so we also identify the challenges of working with VAs:

1.       TECHNOLOGY ISSUES AND LIMITATIONS – Yes, even if the future of hiring, learning, and innovating is now, there will always be demands that could not be met by current technology yet or it is going to be expensive on your end as an employer and the VA. However, at TVSS, we will always research on what are the best alternatives out there based on the needs that you have and work with you to make things work as much as possible.


2.       VAS NOT GOING TO WORK – Just like some employees that you have hired, it is possible that they will not be able to communicate that they will suddenly not come to work. Be prepared that one VA will just not report to work for good without any heads up that this will be the case. If this happens, TVSS is here to easily replace the VA that suddenly does not report to work. In addition, we will put systems in place to deter such behavior.



Why become a Virtual Assistant / Online Tutor with TVSS?

1.       Once contract is fulfilled with TVSS and you impress your employer, you can possibly earn so much more after six months because now you will work directly with the employer!

2.       Unlike other staffing agencies, you are not tied with us forever as long as your contract is appropriately fulfilled; hence, your potential growth is exponential!